Youth Advisory Council
Advisors from the Pledge for Life Partnership, Life Education Center programs, the Kankakee County Health Department, and Project SUN empower student representatives to plan and participate in community service projects and substance misuse prevention activities to make a community-wide difference.

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2024 Year in Review

YAC members created a Drug Take Back PSA for National Prescription Drug Take Back Day in October.
Community Connection: Milner Media personalities talked about the impact radio has on community members.
Outdoor/smoke free policy: YAC members came up with two areas in the community to work towards making nicotine free. (Cobb Park and Bourbonnais Friendship Festival)
YAC volunteered at the Farmers’ Market, sharing medicine safety tips and Deterra bags.
National Prescription Drug Take Back Day. YAC members partnered with KAMEG and local law enforcement to collect expired and unused medication for safe disposal, and distribute safe medication use resources.
Red Ribbon Week, Be Kind to the Mind Coloring Contest: YAC members selected winners.
YAC members participated in Adopt a Family and purchased necessities for a family in need.
Community Connection: Kris Calmese, Department of Health and Fitness, spoke of the importance of setting personal goals for the body and brain.
SAMHSA FentAlert Challenge. Opioid Challenge. YAC members created a PfL YAC Newscast presentation to create awareness on the risks of fentanyl and how young people can be a part of the solution.
Community Connection: Lieutenant Ricardo Zarate explained how the strength of THC in cannabis has greatly increased and informed students that marijuana is addictive and a gateway drug.
YAC members voted on various marijuana billboard designs they felt would have the greatest impact on teaching about the dangers of marijuana use.


Preparation for Alcohol Awareness Month: YAC members came up with how every aspect of a person’s life can be negatively affected by underage drinking.
Alcohol Awareness Month: “Choose Wise Highs! Be Kind to the Mind” social media campaign. YAC members encouraged their peers to share their healthy alternatives with the community.
Community Connection: Drew Orgentz and Dana Arseneau, from Riverside Healthcare, talked about the dangers of alcohol and marijuana use and the accidents and injuries they have seen in the Emergency room.
National Prescription Drug Take Back Day. YAC members partnered with KAMEG and local law enforcement to collect expired and unused medication for safe disposal, and distribute safe medication use resources.
YAC members planned and participated in the Youth Mental Health and Wellness Fest.